Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blog of Hope

I don't want this to come out vain, but I don't know how else to say it, so I'm going to start this blog out honest and state how I really feel.
I know I'm not fat or ugly, but I do know I'm out of shape and I am far from being healthy. I don't have control of my eating, which means I could end up getting over weight and have more health issues. My family has had someone sick almost consistantly since Christmas Break. We tried using DƍTERRA Oils to get rid of the germs, but I feel like I was just using it as an excuse to not worry about how we're eating and how active, or I should say, inactive we have been.
Like I said, I know I'm not fat, but I also would like to be able to fit into some clothes that I haven't been able to since I got pregnant with my first.

So I'm hoping that this blog will help me have some accountability.

Food Goals:

-Stick to one serving each meal. I don't feel like cutting out all food except for steamed vegitables will help me be successful. So I will eat the food that we normally make, key word make, and only eat one serving. I have been in the bad habit of going back for seconds and sometimes thirds. I have lost my control and need to regain it.

-Two snacks a day- Back with the control thing. I see candy on the counter, I eat it. If there is a bowl of chips and dip I keep coming back for more. So I am going to try and make our snacks healthy and only have a set amount that we will eat. If I get hungry I can chew on some gum and that usually holds me until the next feeding time.

-Make every dinner- My family and I made a menu of foods we like to eat for this month. When we didn't have a menu, we didn't know what we wanted to eat, so my parents would grab something that they could get in a drive through. Sticking to the menu will help limit the greese and manage the quantity.

- Drink more water- We are already limiting our soda, but we still aren't drinking more water. So I'm going to be keeping a water bottle with me.

Activity Goals:

-I am going to start running every morning, except for Sundays. My inlaws are bringing a stepper this weekend, so weather won't be an issue. I will be following the couch to 5K program and only giving my self 2 days to delay moving onto the next week time.

-Ten weeks I want to be able to run a 5K, if I can't afford to I'll ask some friends to run one with me.

I will be writing on this blog weekly. I am hoping that this will bring me accountability. I am going to write this like no one is reading, but if it will help someone, I am going to leave this open to the public. Everyone has struggles and one of mine is health. Just because I have kids, doesn't mean I have to let my body go. It should be, because I have kids I need to help my body be able to go. It makes sense in my head :)

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