Friday, February 21, 2014

First Run

I've only ran once this week...
 My run on Tuesday was great! I ran thirty seconds walked ninty. I didn't struggle at all! My only pain was the blisters forming on the back of my feet. I felt great all day, the run gave me energy and helped my attitude! I didn't over eat and was aware of everything I chose to eat.  Jon brought me a treat from the store and I told him I would have to wait another day, because I had already had dessert for the day. I even was planning on running the next day.
Wednesday I woke up and my knee was hurting so bad. For those that don't know, a couple weeks before Jon and I got married, my knee popped out of place while I was getting ready for my dance final. My knee has popped out several times since then. I decided to give my body a day break and let it get used to the shock of exersising agian. I struggled to control what I ate and I was frustrated that I wasn't able to run that morning. My knee was really screaming at me throughout the day, but started to settle down at night. So I decided to try running again Thursday Morning. But Wednesday night Elizabeth was up all night long.
Thursday morning came too soon. We had a long night and I decided getting some sleep would be more benificial than getting a run in. But combining no run and hardly any sleep really made me struggle with food. I didn't have control over what I ate. My body kept telling me I needed food for energy and I gave in. My mom brought cookies and instead of eating just one I ate two and a half. Instead of trying to eat something healthy, I ate junk... I am super disappointed with myself.
Friday- Today is really rough. We had an even harder night last night. Jon and I could not get Elizabeth to calm down. We think she's having a hard time, because she's eating too much at dinner. She hasn't been signalling us that she's full, she just keeps eating. I thought she was just having growth spirts, but if it's upsetting her I don't think she's just getting distracted and just eating what we fed her. Anyway... We didn't even get two hours of sleep last night. I finally was able to get her to go to sleep at seven this morning, so the run didn't happen again... I've been better today at eating though! Of course being busy getting ready for the Blue and Gold Banquett and my in-laws coming has helped. My body has been begging for sugar, but I'm fighting it.

Wish me luck!

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